WOCU-Monitoring in 2023!

2023 has concluded. It’s time to reflect and assess the achievements we’ve reached.


In this post, we present the top 10 features and key milestones that we launched throughout the five releases published last year:

Release 58
Release 57
Release 56
Release 55
Release 54

  1. Integration with GConf Tool

    One of the significant milestones of 2023 was the integration with GConf, a tool for the comprehensive management of configurations for network devices monitored in WOCU-Monitoring.

    An initial approach was made with the new GConf subsection within the modal view of each asset, allowing users to view the backup history of a specific device.

    This phase concluded by developing and integrating the new GConf Module into WOCU-Monitoring. It is now possible to use all its functionalities through this additional service that provides a holistic and unified view of network management in large infrastructures and complex environments.


  2. Evolution of TRAPS and LOGS-Based Monitoring

    As known, WOCU-Monitoring integrates the combined use of two monitoring methodologies: active and passive, leveraging the benefits of both.

    As a novelty last year, a new section was added to import, model, and configure new passive monitoring services and link them to devices for monitoring from a passive approach without the involvement of any Monitoring Pack.


    In a second iteration, the capability to define and configure passive monitoring services to multiple Hostgroups was added, starting the listening and reception of SNMP Traps.

    Given the high number of services to manage, a new environment for identifying and managing passive services was implemented. It is now possible to filter by passive services in various listings and tables of the application, as well as manually assign the initial state of these types of services until a change of state is generated (or not) in them.

  3. More Comprehensive and Multilingual Documentation

    Comprehensive, up-to-date, and well-crafted documentation is a key component to ensure success, efficiency, and utilization of the tool’s capabilities. Therefore, various aspects of our technical documentation have been polished.

    The administration manual has been updated with a new installation and getting started guide and a new chapter dedicated to system updates. There’s also a chapter dedicated to the additional UI-ACL module, detailing each action and content subject to disablement for certain users or groups.

    Last but not least, WOCU-Monitoring now offers its documentation in English. This indispensable service connects more easily with our entire community, ensuring access to the valuable resources we offer.

    To complement the knowledge provided by the documentation, WOCU-Monitoring now features a new training and certification portal.

  4. New, Easier, and More Intuitive Notification System Integrated with Multiple Tools

    At WOCU-Monitoring, we understand the importance of not only detecting availability issues in large infrastructures but also appropriately alerting them. Therefore, relentless work was done on a new, fully configurable notification system that is also compatible with various widely used communication technologies and tools, such as: Cortex XSOAR, Slack, Telegram, etc.


  5. Multiple Improvements in the API

    Throughout all releases this year, the WOCU-Monitoring team has worked on the public API.

    The architecture of WOCU-Monitoring was modified, leading to a new exclusive service for API queries. In summary, these updates offer a more robust and efficient API in terms of querying and managing information within the WOCU-Monitoring environment.


    Additionally, significant improvements were implemented to provide a more solid, efficient, and reliable experience. Among them is the implementation of a cache system in infrastructure endpoints, storing information to ensure its accessibility even under unstable or temporarily unavailable connection conditions.

  6. Performance and Usability Improvements

    This year saw the complete refactoring of the application to REACT. This renewal will result in improved performance, better maintenance due to the modularity of this technology, and greater scalability.

    Regarding usability, new report export options or event filtering by SOFT or HARD typology were added. Views as crucial as the Infrastructure and Business Processes have also been polished.


  7. New Global Device Search

    In version 57, efforts were dedicated to the development and implementation of a global Device search, a very interesting functionality, as it facilitates and speeds up the location of elements in extensive infrastructures.


  8. New License Status Information

    Knowing the status of the contracted license is now possible from within the WOCU-Monitoring application since version 56.

    The Administrator now has access to updated information about the current license, allowing them to track its status, days remaining until renewal, and other particulars. There’s no longer a need to consult contracts or refer inquiries to other areas.


  9. New Error Control and Security Systems

    To conclude, during 2023, a catalog of proprietary errors was maintained to help users understand the nature of the delivered error, and consequently, perform certain checks to help resolve the issue.

    And a new Audit Module was added, from which the Administrator can get absolute visibility, as all actions carried out in terms of asset configuration, automatic processes, and system-tracked changes are traced.


  10. More Integrations, New Packs, and Deployment Management Improvement

    Our monitoring pack catalog continues to expand, and notably, the functionality of anomaly detection (ADS) has been added to all monitoring packs responsible for monitoring the traffic passed through network interfaces. This advancement represents a key achievement as planned in our 2023 Roadmap.

    Additionally, the new Check Services Configuration action was added, to verify the correct configuration of the monitoring services that comprise a specific pack.


    As can be seen, WOCU-Monitoring grows and evolves towards a clear objective: to continue providing suitable solutions for a greater number of use cases.

    And now come times of new beginnings… Welcome to 2024!

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