New Version 60 of WOCU-Monitoring

This publication discusses the new features, functionalities, improvements, and fixes integrated into the WOCU-Monitoring version 60, addressing the requests and suggestions of our users and current market needs.

The recent Aggregator Summary view has been improved to provide a more comprehensive overview of the monitored infrastructure through new interactive graphs that facilitate the exploration of the operational status of assets and the interpretation of key data.


Image 1. Aggregator Summary view.

Additionally, the Service Metrics view has evolved with new visual and export functions. Among other developments, now all series of a metric are displayed in a single graph, simplifying monitoring, and the ability to export reports in PDF, facilitating data sharing and contributing to more informed decision-making.


Image 2. Graph of a Service with multiple CPU metric series.

Furthermore, the information available in email notifications has been significantly expanded. System administrators can customize the subject and content of the message, including additional relevant information such as aliases or event impact.

Image 3. Example of a notification issued by WOCU-Monitoring via email.

We have improved our self-management system for the various WOCU-Monitoring components. In this first interaction, the different control points have been increased, significantly enhancing the information on the tool’s own health, reducing recovery times in case of an anomaly.

Additionally, the Gconf import task now includes the ability to exclude specific assets using a CSV file. This provides greater flexibility in configuration management by avoiding the automatic import of certain devices.


Image 5. New field in the Gconf import task configuration form.

Finally, the technical documentation of WOCU-Monitoring has been updated with three important additions, such as creating Monitoring Packs, changing user passwords, and constructing Business Rules. All of them offer detailed and precise instructions.

Without further ado, we will now detail all the new features that this new version of WOCU-Monitoring brings.

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