Similar to the previous version, much of our efforts have been directed towards the evolution of Contact Notifications. Specifically, it’s now possible to configure new Notification Commands to achieve a more precise and tailored definition of notification channels.

Another related development is the ability to globally mute or disable notifications that the tool emits for anomalous events. With a single click, users can stop receiving alerts if necessary.

The new global Device search feature is very useful as it facilitates and speeds up the location of elements in extensive infrastructures.
Another milestone of this version is the integration of Gconf with WOCU-Monitoring as a complementary tool for managing and querying configurations and backups of monitored equipment.

More functionalities that enhance the performance and security of the application include: the creation of a new API instance to decentralize console queries, support for Debian 11, and upgrade to MySQL 8.

But that’s not all, aesthetic and design details continue to be refined with the refactoring of various frontend components, along with the development of new Custom Monitoring Packs.
Without further ado, let’s delve into detailing all the novelties that come with this new version of WOCU-Monitoring.