New Version 53 of WOCU-Monitoring


This document outlines the new
features, functionalities, improvements, and fixes integrated into version 53 of WOCU-Monitoring, addressing the requests and suggestions of our users and the current market needs.

In this version, we have dedicated part of  our effort to the control and granting of user permissions on the available actions in the Configuration Module, providing greater flexibility when making decisions about which set of users to show certain types of content to or hide it from.


Image 1. Hosts section with all actions enabled: duplicate, configure packs, and delete.


Image 2. Hosts section with certain actions disabled, with only the duplicate action available.

Another significant challenge has been the integration and adaptation of the IPv6 protocol for device monitoring.
WOCU-Monitoring is now able to check the availability and retrieve all kinds of metrics from devices using this protocol.


No less important has been the evolution and optimization of various sections of the application.
For example, in Multirealms, the Services Tab has been added for monitoring, and the
Hostgroups presentation has been revamped in its inventory.


Also, the newly introduced Infrastructure View has been enhanced with aesthetic and functional changes. Related to this, our  Public API grows due to the development of two new endpoints useful for querying information about the elements composing a Realm.


Without further ado, in the following link, we detail all the new features brought by this new
version of WOCU-Monitoring.

WOCU 53 News

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