New Version 0.45 of WOCU Monitoring

V0.45 release

V0.45 releaseThe new version
WOCU-Monitoring 0.45 comes loaded with novelties and improvements,
addressing the requests and suggestions of our users and the current market needs. Always focused on user comfort and experience, this version brings with it  features that make the operation and handling of the tool even more flexible and fluid.

Among many others, a new section called  Templates  has been integrated within the
Import-Tool module, allowing the design, assignment, and management of a range of Device configuration templates. These are nothing more than profiles or prototypes of configuration, with a fixed structure of properties and pre-set parameters.
Now, profiling multiple assets sharing some attribute will be much easier.

Similarly, it is now possible to immediately know the operational status of a service
in the Service Modal, thanks to the new Check Now function or to know which filters
are being applied in the list of recorded incidents, Alarms (Problems)  and in the
Hosts Inventory, through a new interactive view that simplifies filtered navigation.

Regarding the Reports Module, work has been done on three powerful integrations:

1. In the ability for multiple and/or mass deletion of reports from the total list.

2. In the new support for filtering services and metrics by regular expressions in
Multi-metric Reports, granting greater flexibility and customization given the infinite
combinations the report can process.

3. In the inclusion of units or magnitudes of metrics stored in the source database
InfluxDB  in Metrics Evolution Reports.

Regarding other non-visible internal changes, from this version onwards, the system will proceed to automatically delete orphaned Business Processes, without the need for user interaction. Additionally, the possibility of instrumenting the software WOCU Aggregator, among other things, to be able to monitor the software’s performance, as a measure of prevention and optimization of the tool.

And we continue to update our Pack Catalog  incorporating new packs and monitoring services. As well as the refactoring of numerous WOCU components to
REACT  technology.

But there’s more, keep reading and get to know the complete list of novelties and expand information with the User Manual  if necessary.

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